Content marketing: High-quality examples and top tips
Content marketing is the process of consistently publishing relevant content that audiences want to consume in order to reach, engage and convert new customers. (Brenner, 2021)
In preparation for this blog, I have undertaken research into travel businesses and their content marketing. I have chosen the best examples to share with you, and the reasons why they are a success. Then you will be able to apply what you have learned to your own business and create a successful content marketing strategy.
As part of my research, I created a SlideShare presentation of the best examples. Click on the image for the link to the presentation.
The blog by Enchanting Travels gave the audience the best information in different ways when compared to others. Included in the blog were videos of the places, information from experts and testimonies from clients. The blog followed the buyer’s journey from tempting them with topical titles and attractive images, to convincing them to book the holiday through being very informative and then completing the sale through calls to action throughout. The blog had regular links in the text to cross-promote other content and links to the booking forms. The blog is promoted on social media consistently, and the same message was used throughout following their content marketing strategy.
The podcast by the Walt Disney Travel Company used celebrity interviews drawing their audience to listen to their favourite celebrity with 131,000 listeners. The podcast was entertaining with personal experiences, quizzes with the celebrity and lots of information. The celebrity described their dream day at the resort from their own experience offering a great influence on the audience, and it definitely made me want to visit just listening to it. The content marketing felt like a natural conversation developing the celebrity’s story of visiting the resort. The blog is promoted throughout all social media and is obviously part of a whole focus of promotion. It is clear they know who they are targeting and have a clear audience in mind.
The video by Not Just Travel was very informative educating the audience on their products and included guest speakers from cruise companies. There was a good mixture of conveying the information through people speaking, PowerPoint presentations with attractive photos and video adverts of the cruises compared to other company's short, basic videos. The video shared features to attract the audience including celebrity chefs onboard. The information included up-to-date facts about vaccines and travel restrictions helping customers solve their challenges. The company followed the buyer’s journey by promoting the video before it came out with attractive photos and a pre-register form to generate leads. Then bringing the audience to the live video and calls to action throughout to convert the sale.
Enchanting Travels uses good quality pictures on their social media, in particular on Twitter. The images really draw the eye of the audience as something different and high quality which you would get nowhere else. This endears the audience to the brand. They use images of famous locations to attract the audience. The images begin the buyer’s journey to draw them in to want to learn more. The only downside is they do not use similar content on their other social media. They produce different content for Twitter, Facebook and Instagram whereas they could free up time modifying the existing content and getting the most out of it.
I hope the examples of high-quality content marketing have given you lots of ideas for your business. How could you use blogs, videos, podcast and images for your business?
The key is to be customer focused rather than product focused.
As part of the research, I created a video pitch to showcase the best blog, podcast, video and image you have seen in this blog. To watch the video please click on the link.
To find out more information, visit my website and see samples of my proofreading.
I am a freelance proofreader and a qualified teacher with a maths degree and a love of learning. Thank you for reading 'Content marketing: High-quality examples and top tips'. Want to find more out about marketing and the importance of personal branding?
Check out my blog "Personal branding: the importance of personal branding" on my website www.alisonproofreader.com, or say hello on Twitter at @alisonproofread, or Instagram at @alisonproofreader, or connect via Facebook and LinkedIn.
Reference list
Brenner, M. (2021) ‘What is Content Marketing, Really?’ in Marketing Insider Group [Online]. Available at: What is Content Marketing, Really? - Marketing Insider Group [accessed 23rd September 2021]
Enchanting Travels (2019) ‘Hobbit house’ [photo] on Enchanting Travel’s Twitter page. Available at: https://twitter.com/enchantingtrvls [accessed 23rd September 2021]
Fletcher, G. and Merrygold, A. (2021) ‘Series 1, Episode 3’ in Journey to magic podcast [Screenshot]. Available at: https://www.disneyholidays.co.uk/podcast/ [accessed 23rd September 2021]
Gilbert, A. (2021) 'Content marketing for the travel industry' [Screenshot] on SlideShare. Available at: https://www.slideshare.net/AlisonGilbert11/content-marketing-for-the-travel-industry-250287031 [accessed 24th September 2021]
Novara, L. (2021) ‘Travel Trends for 2021’ in Enchanting Travels blog [Screenshot]. Available at: https://www.enchantingtravels.com/travel-blog/ [accessed 21st September 2021]
Roberjot-Clarke, L. (2021) ‘Introduction to river cruising’ in Not Just Travel Facebook page [Screenshot]. Available at: https://www.facebook.com/NotJustTravelUK/videos/313214657273851 [accessed 22nd September 2021]